Everything about returning your Nesopen bike
Contact Nesopen customer service via 0612798166 (local rate) or via bestel@nesopen.com.
Nesopen customer service will cancel your order.
You will receive your money back within a few days (maximum 14 days) (with Lease/finance you will receive a message that your order has been cancelled).
Did you not buy your bike immediately but opted for Lease or Finance? Then it is possible that you have already received a BKR check from Volkswagen Pon Financial Services. As long as you have not yet received your bike, you can cancel your order. Instead of Nesopen cancelling your order, we will contact Volkswagen Pon Financial Services and cancel your order there.

Returning your online ordered bike
Consequences of the cancellation
If you cancel the agreement, you will receive all payments you have made up to that point, including delivery costs (with the exception of any additional costs resulting from your choice of a different method of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us) without delay and in any case no later than 14 days after we have been informed of your decision to cancel the agreement.
If you only return part of your order, the costs for delivery will not be refunded. We will refund you using the same payment method with which you made the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any case, we will not charge any costs for such a refund.
We may wait with refunding until we have received the goods back, or you have demonstrated that you have returned the goods, whichever is the earliest.
If you purchased your bicycle via Lease or Financing, you will receive a message that your direct debit has been cancelled (in the case of Lease or Financing). You must return or hand over the goods to us without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which you communicate your decision to cancel the agreement to us. You are on time if you send back the goods before the period of 14 days has expired.
Return conditions:
The bike is clean.
The bike is undamaged.
The bike is complete (all items supplied are present).
Only for electric bikes: the bike has been ridden a maximum of 5 km.
Only for electric bikes: the battery and charger are present and, if reasonably possible, the original packaging.
Does the bike no longer meet the above conditions? Then the depreciation can be charged.
You are only liable for the depreciation of the goods that is the result of the use of the goods, which goes beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
Returning the bike
If you have indicated that you want to return the bike, you can choose to return the bike to us (Nesopen), but we prefer that you go to the Nesopendealer to return your bike. This is the same dealer where you picked up the bike.
Together with the Nesopen dealer, you do a final check of the bike. You will receive a return receipt from the dealer. This return receipt is for your own administration and your proof that you have returned the bike in good condition. If you choose to return the bike, the costs incurred for shipping are for your account. You can return the bike to the dealer where you picked up your bike.