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(Luxembourg, 14 January 2025) – Yesterday, at the request of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rotterdam (Netherlands), four suspects were arrested in Rotterdam and Zevenhuizen, on suspicion of large-scale customs fraud involving bicycles imported from China. The four are suspected of systematically undervaluing the goods and falsely declaring their origin, causing an estimated damage of approximately €7.2 million.
At the EPPO’s request, the Fiscal Information and Investigation Service (FIOD) of the Netherlands also carried out searches at the suspects’ homes and at four business premises in Andelst, Rotterdam, Waddinxveen and Zaandam. Law enforcement seized three houses, six cars, cash and two cryptocurrency accounts and froze five bank accounts, all worth an estimated €9 million. One of the bank accounts was frozen in Germany and one of the cryptocurrency accounts was seized in Ireland. Physical and digital documentation was also seized.
According to the investigation, the suspects made 380 incorrect import declarations, by declaring a lower value of the bicycles to customs and by falsely declaring the origin of the goods – thereby evading the payment of a significant share of the import and anti-dumping duties.
All persons involved are presumed innocent until proven guilty by the competent Dutch courts of law.
The EPPO is the independent public prosecution office of the European Union. It is responsible for investigating, prosecuting and bringing to judgment crimes against the financial interests of the EU.
(卢森堡,2025 年 1 月 14 日)——昨天,应荷兰鹿特丹欧洲检察官办公室的要求,四名嫌疑人在鹿特丹和泽文赫伊曾被捕,他们涉嫌对从中国进口的自行车实施大规模海关欺诈。这四人涉嫌系统性地低估货物价值并虚假申报原产地,造成约 720 万欧元的损失
应欧洲刑事检察官办公室的要求,荷兰财政信息和调查局 (FIOD) 还对嫌疑人的住所以及安德尔斯特、鹿特丹、瓦丁克斯芬和赞丹的四个营业场所进行了搜查。执法部门查获了三栋房屋、六辆汽车、现金和两个加密货币账户,并冻结了五个银行账户,总价值估计为 900 万欧元。其中一个银行账户在德国被冻结,其中一个加密货币账户在爱尔兰被查获。实物和数字文件也被查获。
EPPO 是欧盟独立的检察机关,负责调查、起诉和审判危害欧盟金融利益的犯罪行为。